Friday, October 28, 2016

COPY OF LETTER( Regarding  JAO induction training phase- I in r/o  successful candidates in LICE for the promotion to JAO under 40% quota held in July 2016)WRITTEN BY CS TO WORTHY CGMT  WITH A COPY TO OUR BELOVED GS FOR PURSUANCE WITH COMPETENT AUTHORITY.:---

Circle President: Com. Ganesh Sabherwal
Ph: 9416010878 (M)
Circle Secretary: Com. Darbara Singh
Ph: 9416085045 (M)
Financial Secretary: Com. Shripal Narwal
Ph: 9416000474(M)
No. AIBSNLEA/HRY/2016/17                                                               DATED: 28.10.2016
         The Chief General                Manager,                                                                                                                                                              
         BSNL,Haryana Circle,
          Ambala Cantt.
 Subject: Regarding  JAO induction training phase- I in r/o  successful candidates in LICE for the promotion to JAO under 40% quota held in July 2016
R/ Sir,
 On the subject cited above,it is hereby brought to your kind notice that the successful candidates in above said LICE in other circles have been sent for JAO training while in Haryana they are not being sent for training.In this regard it is worth to mention that already there is a acute shortage of JAOs in Haryana and consequently all the working AOs and JAOs  are overloaded which hampers the accomplishment of targets within stipulated periods apart from causing resentment amongst all these executives.Abnormal delay in sending the successful candidates for training is also causing resentment amongst them and demoralizing them .Their training and subsequent posting is also inevitable to remove the overburdening of existing  JAOs/AOs for accomplishment of  the targets well in time which will ultimately benefit our beloved company BSNL.
So keeping  in view above facts you are hereby requested to use your good office for early deputation of successful candidates for Induction Training  phase -1 please.                                                   
                                                 Thanking you,                                                                                                               
                                                                                                                                         Yours Sincerely
                                                                                                                                          (Darbara Singh)
                                                                                                                                           C/S AIBSNLEA HARYANA.CC to:-1 GM(Admn) O/o CGMT HRY 2 Sh Prahlad Rai GS AIBSNLEA CHQ New Delhi.
                               3  Haryana Circle IFA .

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