Thursday, June 30, 2016

GS, FS met GM(SR) and discussed

(a)    Consideration of tenure transfers  of executives from hard tenure Circles/stations: We expressed our concern against non consideration of transfer orders of executives of  tenure circles/stations and soft circles. GM(SR) informed that  core committee has recommended that the  transfer orders  already issued should be implemented before 31.7.2016.  All the pending hard/soft tenure circles transfers orders of executives are to be issued up to 31.8.2016 and has to be implemented before 30-9-2016.  These orders  will be issued after the approval of the competent authority.
(b)   Notional pay fixation of all the upgraded Pay scales w.e.f 1.10.2000, Pay anomaly case of TTA to JTO promotion case as outsider:  GM(SR) assured to discuss the matter with GM(Estt) for an early solution on both the cases.
(c)    E-1 + 5 advance increment case of JTO (SRD), JAO 2013 batch and PA : GM(SR) informed that the matter will again be put up in the next BSNL Board meeting since  the discussions   on this  issue remained inconclusive.  He assured to put up the matter in the next BSNL Board meeting.
(d)   CPSU Cadre hierarchy: GM(SR) informed that he will discuss the matter with GM (Pers) for an early action to put up the matter to the MC etc.

Relieving orders of all Karnataka DEs issued due to pursuance of AIBSNLEA Haryana.
click below for orders

Transfer/Posting of AGM/DE in the Telecom Operation Stream.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Due to consistent efforts of AIBSNLEA Haryana DE lookafter orders issued by circle.Congratulations to all  who have got the promotion of DE lookafter.
Click here for order
taff/EG-3/DE/Look After/99
29-06-2016HRLook after arrangement in the grades/posts of DE/AGM.