Saturday, July 9, 2016

9/7/2016--General Body meeting of Circle branch of AIBSNLEA was held in Hall of  Dilli Darbar Hotel, Ambala Cantt on 8/7/2016 under the Chairmanship of Sh R.L.Saini DGM  in presence of Circle President Sh Ganesh Sabherwal,Circle Secy Sh Darbara Singh to elect new body of Circle branch.The Hall was Jam packed. Approximately 37 executives attended the meeting.Sh R.L.Saini DGM ,Sh Rajinder Singh SDE(E) and Sh S.L.Makker  AO were elected unanimously Distt President,Distt Secretary and Finacial Secretary respectively.Circle secretary welcomed all the executives present in the meeting and apprised them about the ensuing membership verification and appealed to all to add more and more members so that to secure number one position in the ensuing membership verification to be held in Nov 2016.Circle President extended vote of thanks and appealed to all for making vigorous efforts to increase membership.
We congratulate all the office bearers of new circle branch body and assure our fullest cooperation.

Friday, July 8, 2016

General Body meeting of Sonepat branch of AIBSNLEA was held on 4/7/2016  under Chairmanship of Sh Anil Kumar Shrivastava DE in the presence of Circle President Sh Ganesh Sabherwal,Circle Secy Sh Darbara Singh,ACS Sh Naresh Kumar AGM CC,FS Sh Shripal Narwal to elect new Distt Body.Sh A.K. Shrivastava DE,Sh Jeet Singh SDE and Sh H.P.Meena AO were elected unanimously Distt President,Distt Secretary and Financial Secretary respectively.Members raised some queries which were replied by the CS.Circle Body assured their fullest cooperation to new Distt Body and congratulated to all the new office Bearers and appealed to all to make tremendous efforts to increase membership.

06.07.2016 Shri Manoj Sinha, takes over the charge of Minister of States for Communications<<<<Click here to know more about our Minister>>>>>
GS, FS, AGS (C/E/Arch/TF) and AGS (Fin.) met with Hon'ble Minister of States for Communications and felicitated him on assuming the high office of the Minister of States for Communications and assured our fullest cooperation. <<<<Click here for the letter>>>>>

Friday, July 1, 2016

01.07.2016:BSNL Corporate Office issues guidelines regarding:
1. Preparation of Electoral Rolls for conduct of 1st membership verification to elect majority representative Association of Executive employees in BSNL - consolidated guidelines regarding<<<<Click here for order>>>>>
2. Non-transfer of Executive staff till completion of 1st membership verification process of Executives' Association in BSNL - revised guidelines regarding <<<<Click here for order>>>>>
30.06.2016:BSNL Corporate Office issues:
1. Clarification on revision of scales of pay of Board level and below Board level Executives w.e.f. 01.01.2007 in respect of Non-Executives but working in the executive grade on local officiating basis.  <<<<Click here for order>>>>>
2. List of holidays to be observed in BSNL Offices during the year 2017.  
The following resolutions have been passed unanimously by the Representative Council at AIC Mysuru:-

1.Permit Karnataka Circle to hold 5th AIC of the AIBSNLEA in relaxation to the clause 8AIII(e) for the Circle Conference of Karnataka Circle on 20.6.2016 at Mysuru.  This is proposed in view of the fact that the existing Circle body has outlived and the existing Circle Secretary has been superannuated one year back, as the conference could not be held for preparation of AIC.

2.To form a consultant group to AIBSNLEA CHQ with the following members:
Com. P. Venugopal
Com. Amit Kumar Gupta
Com. J Saibaba
Com. H Y Andeli
Com. T Mangalandan
3.To congratulate CGMT AP Circle and all the Executive and non-executive for getting the Best performance circle Award through Hon’ble MoC meeting.

4.As per provision of clause 15(v) of the constitution, it is proposed to allow Com. Prahlad Rai to file his nomination for the fifth term for the post of General Secretary of AIBSNLEA CHQ

5.As per provision of clause 15(v) of the constitution, it is proposed to allow Com. C M Saste to file his nomination for the fifth term for the post of  OS (W) of AIBSNLEA CHQ

6.As per provision of clause 15(v) of the constitution, it is proposed to allow Com. K. P. Nair to file his nomination for the fourth term for the post of Assistant General Secretary (GD) of AIBSNLEA CHQ

7.To extend the MRS executive medical check up available for the ITS officer for the executives also.

8.To demand the appropriate pay scale to the directed recruited JAOs/JTOs promoted after 1.1.2007 to initial basic as 22820/-.  The pay scale E1+5 increments and replacement of pay scale from E-1 to E2 does not given any desired result. 

9.To demand the early conduct of CPC from AO to CAO and JAO to AO without dragging further under the guise of court cases. 

10.To demand for review of date of promotion to the cadre of AAO (1998 JAO Batch) regular promotion from 1.4.2003 to 11.02.2002.

11.Similarly on all pending HR issues settlement the resolutions were passed unanimously to take up in DoT/BSNL.

JTOs officiating  of Karnataka Circle has facilitated the G.S. and President  of CHQ in token of their love and affection in settling the case of JTOs officiating in addition to Rs.20,000/- cash as donation to CHQ.

JAOs of  2010 batch of A.P. Circle has facilitated the G.S. as a token of their love and affection for settling the pay fixation case and also handed over a cheque of Rs.1,00,000/- in addition of sponsoring the CEC of A.P. by incurring Rs.1,00,000/-.  They requested GS to settle the case by either stopping recovery  of amount paid while they were in non-executives or if recovery is made as per the proposal of BSNL corporate office, then arrears may be paid as per the revision.

12.To congratulate CGMT AP Circle and all the Executive and non-executive for getting the Best performance circle Award through Hon’ble MoC meeting.